Vintage French Nightdresses

In France few charity shops exist unlike the proliferation of charity shops in the UK, which adorn every high street and have become an important common denominator in the commercial sector. Here most people hang out for the vide-greniers and brocantes; regularly held markets selling second hand junk. However, in the winter, due to the open-nature of these gatherings, there are few to be found.
Fortunately, for junk addicts like myself, the homeless charity Emmaus provides much needed jumble riffling during the long winter. Open just once a week, Emmaus provides a haven of dirty bed linen, old handbags and chipped teacups for the junkies to trawl through in the hopes of finding hidden treasure.
On a recent visit through a rather large expanse of night clothes including several saucy vintage French numbers bought and shown here...
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