Home Ed Hell II

Motivating my five-year old twins, Fealte & Rosebud, to sit down and listen to moi - resulted in a myriad of hours lost to sulking, shouting, storming off and stress!
When I first went along to my local Home-Ed group I was shocked by the amount of mothers who informed me, when I asked how they actually home-educated, that they really didn't do that much.
With an air of foolish superiority, I thought them lazy, envisaging myself doing daily classes of English, maths, nature, foreign languages - maybe even a spot of science? Where my twins, enthralled by my knowledgeable voice and gentle nuturing teaching, would quickly understand and lap up letters, numbers, reading and the like.
Hmmmm, yet here I am several months later and I find myself doing less and less, as every forced lesson is fraught with anger and frustration on both sides. Uber-mum/teacher I am not, was I ever? I thought so for one brief donut moment. And yet now I understand why all those home-ed mums did so little, because it's like banging your head against a brick wall and unless you are supremely patient it is a hard task to take on...
Pea.s, for all those uber-mums who are home-educating can I please recommend ABC Reading Eggs - bloody genius ozzies.
Labels: Home Education, Uber mum
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